Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi’s Suryawanshi Heart Care, Nashik

A Total Heart & Health Solution

Best Cardiologist. Expert in Angioplasties & Angiographies, Heart attack treatments, High BP, and Heart Failure treatments. Prevention of Heart attack and Diseases. Health and Heart Check-up expert.

Vision: To make a positive difference in people’s Health & Life, making them healthy, happy & Stress-free.

Mission: To provide scientific, up-to-date, affordable Heart & Health care solutions.

Passion: Help people in Preventing Heart & Health-related diseases by promoting healthy lifestyle options including Yoga. Not only treat diseases but also treat psycho-social problems related to them.

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24X7 Emergency Cardiac Care

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2D Echo Cardiograph

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Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty

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